XMODEM protocol - перевод на испанский
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XMODEM protocol - перевод на испанский


communication protocol         
  • Figure 2. The TCP/IP model or Internet layering scheme and its relation to some common protocols.
  • Figure 3. Message flows using a protocol suite. Black loops show the actual messaging loops, red loops are the effective communication between layers enabled by the lower layers.
  • Figure 5: Protocol and software layering. The software modules implementing the protocols are represented by cubes. The information flow between the modules is represented by arrows. The (top two horizontal) red arrows are virtual. The blue lines mark the layer boundaries.
Network protocol design principles; Data transmission protocol; Networking protocol; Protocol (computing); Protocol (computer science); Protocol (communication); Protocol (communications); Network protocols; Communication protocols; Communications protocols; Internetwork protocol; Protocol (networks); Protocol (network); Networking protocols; Protocols (computing); Protocol set; Data communication protocol; Protocol testing; Network Protocols; Binary protocol; Protocol (computer); Protocol versioning; Computer protocol; Protocol layer; Network protocol; Protocol design; Internetworking Protocol; Text-based protocol; Plain text protocol; Web protocol; Communications protocol; Universal protocols; Telecommunication protocol; Telecommunications protocol; Transmission protocol; History of communication protocols; Binary protocols; Wire image (networking)
protocolo de comunicación (reglamento para pasar la transmisión de datos)
network protocol         
  • Figure 2. The TCP/IP model or Internet layering scheme and its relation to some common protocols.
  • Figure 3. Message flows using a protocol suite. Black loops show the actual messaging loops, red loops are the effective communication between layers enabled by the lower layers.
  • Figure 5: Protocol and software layering. The software modules implementing the protocols are represented by cubes. The information flow between the modules is represented by arrows. The (top two horizontal) red arrows are virtual. The blue lines mark the layer boundaries.
Network protocol design principles; Data transmission protocol; Networking protocol; Protocol (computing); Protocol (computer science); Protocol (communication); Protocol (communications); Network protocols; Communication protocols; Communications protocols; Internetwork protocol; Protocol (networks); Protocol (network); Networking protocols; Protocols (computing); Protocol set; Data communication protocol; Protocol testing; Network Protocols; Binary protocol; Protocol (computer); Protocol versioning; Computer protocol; Protocol layer; Network protocol; Protocol design; Internetworking Protocol; Text-based protocol; Plain text protocol; Web protocol; Communications protocol; Universal protocols; Telecommunication protocol; Telecommunications protocol; Transmission protocol; History of communication protocols; Binary protocols; Wire image (networking)
Protocolo de red, Sistema de comunicación entre computadores de una red local
communications protocol         
  • Figure 2. The TCP/IP model or Internet layering scheme and its relation to some common protocols.
  • Figure 3. Message flows using a protocol suite. Black loops show the actual messaging loops, red loops are the effective communication between layers enabled by the lower layers.
  • Figure 5: Protocol and software layering. The software modules implementing the protocols are represented by cubes. The information flow between the modules is represented by arrows. The (top two horizontal) red arrows are virtual. The blue lines mark the layer boundaries.
Network protocol design principles; Data transmission protocol; Networking protocol; Protocol (computing); Protocol (computer science); Protocol (communication); Protocol (communications); Network protocols; Communication protocols; Communications protocols; Internetwork protocol; Protocol (networks); Protocol (network); Networking protocols; Protocols (computing); Protocol set; Data communication protocol; Protocol testing; Network Protocols; Binary protocol; Protocol (computer); Protocol versioning; Computer protocol; Protocol layer; Network protocol; Protocol design; Internetworking Protocol; Text-based protocol; Plain text protocol; Web protocol; Communications protocol; Universal protocols; Telecommunication protocol; Telecommunications protocol; Transmission protocol; History of communication protocols; Binary protocols; Wire image (networking)
Comunicación de protocolo, Definiciones y reglamentos que según ellos se realiza la comunicación entre computadores


<communications> Ward Christensen's file transfer protocol, probably the most widely available protocol used for file transfer over serial lines (e.g. between modems). XMODEM uses 128-byte packets with error detection, allowing the receiver to request retransmission of a corrupted packet. XModem is fairly slow but reliable. Several variations have been proposed with increasing packet sizes (e.g. XMODEM-1K) and different error detection (CRC instead of checksum) to take advantage of faster modems. Sending and receiving programs can negotiate to establish the best protocol they both support. John Mahr wrote the original XMODEM CRC error correction code. This implementation was backward compatible with Christensen's original checksum code. It improved the error detection from 98% to 99.97% and improved the reliability of transmitting binary files. Standard XMODEM specifies a one-second timeout during the reception of characters in the data block portion of a packet. Chuck Forsberg improved upon XMODEM by developing YMODEM and ZMODEM. [Chuck Forsberg, "XMODEM/YMODEM Protocol Reference"]. (2005-09-16)



XMODEM es el protocolo de transferencia de archivos más antiguo, desarrollado en 1977 por Ward Christensen a modo de apaño rápido para utilizarse con su programa de terminal MODEM.ASM, y posteriormente cedido para su uso público, por lo cual este protocolo también es conocido como “protocolo Christensen”. Se trata de un protocolo de transferencia muy sencillo de implementar que gracias a ello alcanzó gran popularidad. Actualmente, la mayoría de los módems soportan aun este protocolo.

Chuck Forsberg recopiló una serie de modificaciones comunes para su propio protocolo YMODEM, pero una deficiente implementación provocó una mayor fractura antes de la reunificación de los dos en el nuevo protocolo ZMODEM. Este último protocolo se volvió muy popular, pero nunca consiguió reemplazar por completo al protocolo XMODEM en el mercado BBS.